Android(TM) App Pricing

If you do not have electronic, radio, or a Touch Reader system for collecting meter readings, you need UBsync. UBsync allows you to use any Android Tablet to collect, store and upload to your meter readings to billing software or input file. Use any Android tablet.

Unlike other systems UBsync is not costing you for each tablet, phone, or device you use, UBsync cost is based on total meters in your system. This allows you to use as many tablets as you want or need to use at no additional cost. Tablets can be purchased from any vendor for as little as $40 up to a high end waterproof tablet. We suggest a price point of $80 to $120 for a good, reliable tablet.



  • up to 500 Customers
  • Billed Yearly
Level 1


  • up to 1000 Customers
  • Billed Yearly
Level 2


  • up to 5000 Customers
  • Billed Yearly
Level 3


  • up to 10,000 Customers
  • Billed Yearly
Level 4


  • 10,000 or more Customers
  • Billed Yearly
* Price Include (800) toll free support